Amber And Mythology
FREYA, most renowned of the Norse goddesses who was in charge of love, fertility, battle, and death.
Like the Egyptian goddess Isis and the Greek Aphrodite, Freyja travelled through the world seeking a lost husband and weeping tears that turned to gold when on land and drops of amber when at sea.
The Ancient Greeks believed that amber was formed as a result of the death of Phaëton – the son of Apollo and a river nymph. Phaëton had asked his father if he might drive the sun chariot for a day and off he went for his joyride, but his reckless path through the heavens led to the earth becoming scorched, creating the deserts of the equator.
In fear of any further damage, Zeus struck Phaëton down with a thunderbolt. Phaëton’s sisters were so distraught by this that the gods took pity on them and turned them into poplar trees growing at the bank of their river, and their tears formed as amber droplets which were carried away by the water.
Throughout history ancient peoples endowed amber itself with supernatural qualities. Amber amulets were worn as protection from diseases and against being killed in a battle. People believed that amber “pulled out” a disease from the body and “attracted” good luck in the same way as it attracts small objects if you slightly rub it. It was believed that amber adornments averted bad deeds, guarded from the evil eye and even brought luck in love.
You can view our amber collection of jewellery here.
Credit to the original post by Goldmajor Jewellery.