Peridot August's Birthstone
Peridot the birthstone for the month of August
Peridot often known by the Romans as the evening emerald, this stunning light olive green stone is revered in nature, and symbolizes renewal vitality and growth.
This beautiful Gemstone dispite being mined for over 3,500 years only became the birthstone for August in 1912.
Peridot is made of the mineral Olivine, magnesium and iron. it is in fact the iron that gives it its wonderful green colour.
The name peridot is believed to come from the Arabic Farid meaning Gem.
Brought by the crusaders to Europe in the middle ages, Peridot is one of the oldest known gemstones originally mined from St Johns island in the Red Sea.
This lovely gemstone was often confused with Emerald, The national gemstone of Egypt, it is thought that Cleo Patras emerald jewellery was in fact peridot. Her great love of these glistening stones meant that she had a fabulous collection of jewellery created in them. A great believer in their mystical benefits, she had faith that they would ward off evil spirits.
Beliefs and Sybolism
All gemstones have their own story with regard to beleifs and sybolism, amd the Peridot is no different - Its links with nature are thought to bring harmony happiness, strength and balance, Whilst other cultures beleive it has associations with abundance wealth and prosperity, whilst protecting the wearer.
Some cultures believe that this fabulous stone will support relationships, quell jealousy and negitivity, whilst nuturing compassion.
All these intriguing features whether they are proven in history or just ideas that people hold true, all add a layer of charm and mystery to this vibrant green gemstone.
Gifts for August Birthdays
Peridot jewellery is a thoughtful gift for anyone born in August. It is a lovely gemstone with a rich history and symbolism, and it is sure to be really treasured