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The Birthstone for October - Opal

The Birthstone for October - Opal

Opal Jewellery

The Opal is the traditional birthstone for October. This rare and colourful irridescet  jewel believed to by some to be the queen of gems became the stone for October in the 1900’s. It beauty has often been compared to rainbows fireworks and galaxies.

Having been created millions of years ago, opal is a formation of silicon dioxide and water. When rainfall finds its way into cracks in the earth the silicon in sandstone is carried with it, once the rain evaporates it leaves a deposit. Over repeated times and many years eventually a beautiful opal is created.

Australia, and its unique geological development means it is able to supply 95% of the worlds opals.

Folklore and Legends

Often used in meditation and spritual practice, Opals represent many things to many different cultures. 

The Romans believed the opal to stand for hope and purity, all the colours of the rainbow that emit from this beautiful stone would fill its owner with good fortune.

Arabians believe the opal fell from heaven and the Greeks believed it to be a gem of prophecy.

Other folklore claims that the opal supports creativity expression and a carefree attitude.

Many cultures regard opals to be the bearer of good luck, although many of you might say ‘Well I always thought they were unlucky’. 

There are many myths and legends that this is based on. One in fact came from the novel by Sir Walter Scott’s Anne of Geierstein written in 1929. The character Lady Hermione wore an opal in her hair that was said to be magical, sparkled when she was happy, and created fiery red flashes when she was angry. On the day her daughter was christened some holy water was dropped on the beautiful opal, and a couple of hours later she was reduced to a pile of ash.

People often blame the supernatural for things that they don’t have an understanding of. One such event was the return of the black plague in 1860, an opal worn by an unfortunate victim was said to lose all its sparkle after their death.

Queen Victoria

But by the late 20thCentury Queen Victoria had begun a revival of opals, as well as being a lover of them herself, and building a large collection. She also presented opal jewellery to her five daughters as well as friends. What royalty wore was considered highly fashionable, which in turn saw opals become much sought after and a highly regarded gemstone.


A pair of opal earrings on display at the south Australia museum worn by Queen Victoria

What ever you may believe about Opals no-one can dispute that they are a beautiful gemstone also surrounded by mystery and legends.

Cleaning opal Jewellery

Tips to help maintain the beauty of your Opal collection of Rings, Earrings Bracelets and Necklaces.

Keep your treasured jewellery in a box or soft pouch to protect them from scratches. only clean with a cloth and warm water, do not use any harsh chemicals.and lastly to protect them their reflective colours store away from extreme hot or cold temperatures.





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