The March Birthstone - Aquamarine jewellery

The March Birthstone - Aquamarine jewellery

Aquamarine: The Birthstone of March

Aquamarine, the traditional birthstone for March, takes its name from the Latin words aqua marina, meaning "sea water." This enchanting gemstone is admired for its refreshing colours, ranging from pale blue to light green. A member of the beryl family—alongside the emerald—aquamarine is known for its serene, ocean-like beauty.

The most valuable aquamarines display a deep, clear blue with a hint of green, reminiscent of the sea's depths. Lighter shades and greenish tones are also sought after, with some rare stones even exhibiting a cat’s eye effect. Clarity is essential, with the finest gems boasting flawless transparency.

Aquamarine is a durable gemstone, making it ideal for everyday wear. It is often shaped into emerald or brilliant cuts to enhance its brilliance and colour.

The Symbolism of Aquamarine

Aquamarine’s folklore is as deep and mysterious as the ocean itself, awash with tales of ancient magic mermaids, and sea gods.

A Gift from the Sea

Legends whisper that mermaids dropped aquamarines from their hidden underwater palaces, bestowing them upon sailors who honored the sea. Some tales even speak of mermaid tears crystallizing into these shimmering gems.

A Sailor’s Guardian

For centuries, aquamarine was a cherished talisman for sailors. It was believed to calm rough waters, protect against sea monsters, and ensure safe voyages. Some seafarers even had the image of Poseidon, the god of the sea, carved into the gem for added protection.

The Stone of Truth and Peace

Ancient Romans valued aquamarine for its ability to reveal hidden truths, expose deception, and encourage honest communication. The Greeks associated it with inner peace, believing it could bring mental clarity, and soothe tempers and bring calm.

A Token of Love and Loyalty

Aquamarine has long been regarded as a symbol of love and fidelity. It was believed to strengthen marriages, promote trust, and mend broken hearts. Many wore it as a charm to ensure a happy and harmonious union.

Mystical Powers and Healing

Beyond its beauty, aquamarine was once believed to hold magical properties. Gazing into its depths was thought to reveal hidden truths and glimpses of the future. Shamans and mystics used it for divination and spiritual communication.

During medieval times, aquamarine was worn as a safeguard against poisoning. It was also thought to have healing properties, especially for problems with the throat and stomach, aligning with its connection to the cleansing power of water.

Folklore varies across cultures, but aquamarine’s legendary charm remains timeless. Embrace its mystery and let your imagination dive into its oceanic depths!


Aquamarine in Jewellery

Aquamarine is a very popular gemstone in jewellery, adorning everything from elegant pendants and earrings to statement rings and elaborate necklaces.

A Perfect March Birthday Gift

For those born in March, aquamarine makes a meaningful and treasured gift. With its stunning beauty, rich history, and deep symbolism, it’s a gemstone that truly stands out from the crowd.

Explore our collection of aquamarine jewellery today

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